Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Protective Fencing Goes In at Perce White Reserve

The two pictures immediately above show remains of the stylish hardwood post and stainless steel fencing installed in 2007. Unfortunately much of it proved too tempting to thieves and begun to disappear soon after installation.

The fencing has been installed by a contractor under the management of David Hehir, Foreshore Coordinator, City of Port Phillip. The funding for the fencing came from the City of Port Phillip and a Federal Coastcare Grant involving the following Govt Departments; Australian Government Land & Coast Division, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts

The Grant process was lengthy with the submission preparation commencing in mid 2008 and approx $17,000 being granted in March 2009. Part of the Grant is to be spent on designing and installing six or seven Interpretive Signs which are yet to come.

The fencing was installed to protect the foreshore and foredune areas by reducing the number of informal tracks traversing the reserve, particularly in the Eastern Half. The fencing is in accordance with the COPP Perce White Management and Landscaping Plan 2010.

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